The mission of Training for a Cause, at the most basic level, is to leverage my skills to improve the lives of others. Initially, it started from my passion to help people improve their quality of life through education as to how simple/sustainable habits can result in outsized health outcomes. This could include increased energy, strength, flexibility, balance, or even just looking better in one’s birthday suit. Another benefit is improved biomarkers. I have found that for many people far less effort is required than may be imagined as they put off this year’s resolution, if they were even bold enough to make one.
So that is the first and most important objective I am currently focused on. So important in fact, I am not looking to make dollar one from this endeavor. I am looking to my limited network to locate individuals that either are themselves or know someone considering a bit of attention to their physical condition kauppa. I have approached some close to me in hopes of bringing about positive changes in their lives, but as you might imagine this can be a sensitive issue. So, I am looking for people who not only have the need, but also a strong desire to learn and apply some new habits based on science to drive better overall health. Starting small is key as it is far less overwhelming, and if even modest benefits are achieved, it may allow the individual to build some momentum as they realize an improved state of health. I have seen firsthand how this virtuous cycle can, over time, lead to an impressive metamorphosis not only in a person’s physical state, but manifest positively mentally, emotionally, and even extend to those around them.
This experience is so rewarding that I would like to donate my time to help others interested in investing in themselves to such an end, regardless of age, gender, or current physical condition. In addition, many people who haven’t trained in a while (or ever) may find it awkward to work out in a public gym environment. In many cases, particularly in the early phases of training, I can – and often even prefer to – consult beginners in their homes until they are more comfortable with the basics.
Of course, I must respect my time and try to work with people that genuinely do not have access to the resources to otherwise learn techniques to improve health, such as a personal trainer. I am glad to assist those who lack the ability to pay if they can demonstrate the need and necessary motivation. Most people I am contacting either are or largely associate with others who are well healed and could afford a trainer and maybe even a personal chef, but do not see the value in spending the money for such services even if it may benefit their health considerably.
This proposal attempts to add another layer of value to the equation. If someone is able to pay something, even if a reduced rate of what a trainer may charge, we can find a worthwhile local charity that motivates them to action and have this organization benefit from the time and effort we will both put in while trying to create a sustainable path to improved health.
I believe that there are many ways to achieve our goals. Whether it is our health, personal finance or even chasing an idea such as this website. I genuinely hope that with the help of others like yourself, together we can make a difference for the better. Since this is an untested concept I value your suggestions for improvement or any other means to assist in helping it off the ground. Please drop me a line if you are or know of someone that this concept may appeal to. I am even willing to travel if it makes sense to do so (particularly if it my travels take me some place sunny and warm!).